Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Timeshare FAQ: Should You Invest In A Timeshare?

* What are the advantages of owning a timeshare?

There are many advantages of owning a timeshare. Nevertheless, some people are confused about what timeshares are all about.

Timeshare owners in the USA have reached more than 2 million families. Perhaps, in the past you attended a presentation but didnt get all of your questions about timeshares answered. Almost half the people who attend a timeshare presentation want to buy but never actually do due to lack of information.

The advantages and benefits of owning a timeshare include the following:

- You can plan on a yearly vacation.

- Instead of renting a cramped hotel room, you can have a condo-style accommodation.

- Timeshares guarantee a yearly vacation for the rest of your life.

- You can pay for future vacation at todays prices.

- You get the best accommodations in the most desirable locations.

- You have the option to rent out your timeshare or lend it to family and friends.

- You may also have some flexibility for a great vacation with worldwide exchanges.

- You can even will your ownership of the timeshare to your heirs, which means it does not expire when you do.

- Owning a timeshare means more vacations and lasting vacation memories. Some of the vacations you take through your timeshare may even be tax deductible.

* What are some of the major benefits of buying or renting a timeshare rather than staying in a hotel?

Buying or renting a timeshare actually saves you money because it allows you to fix future vacation costs. A timeshare also allows you to have more amenities and more space. It allows you to have a more comfortable vacation. Why? Buying or renting a timeshare guarantees security, fully furnished rooms, a den, a kitchen with eating and cooking utensils, and most even include a hot tub, sauna, playground, fireplace, golf, tennis, marina, even babysitting and much more. By contrast, staying in a hotel often gives you tiny rooms and limited facilities.

Buying a timeshare also gives you resale equity after 10 to 30 years. It even offers resort choices and exchange possibilities, so it offers a broader choice of where you can go on a vacation.

* Is there a difference between timeshares and vacation ownership?

There are no differences between timeshare and vacation ownership. Most operators feel that the term "timeshare" projects an image in consumers minds of slick men in leisure suits with white belts, so they changed the term "timeshare" to a softer term, "vacation ownership," or in short, "a rose by another name."

* What things should you consider before acquiring or purchasing a timeshare?

Before you purchase a timeshare, you should be aware of the costs of buying an interest in timeshare real estate. It is important that you, as a buyer, review all the documents and understand all of your rights. Here are some other factors that you should ask yourself before purchasing a timeshare:

- When is the seasonal demand for this property?

- What are the financial risks and investment potential?

- What will be the total costs including broker commissions, finance charges, and maintenance?

- Are there exchange programs with other locations or resorts?

- What is the true value of giveaways or other sales incentives?

- Also ask about the State protection and reputation.

Mel Tremaine is editor of, the online guide to Timeshare. He also writes Timeshare FAQ's for Blog78131
Celestyn Blog4729

A Practical Use Of Open Source Code Softwares

As we started the project of our web site, we knew that the proprietary software costs would be too high for our financial resources. Our only option then was to make use of Open Source Code softwares.

However, within the Open Source Code there are lots of softwares to choose from, and its up to the system analyst/programmer to pick the ones that best suit the project goals.

In our case, we picked Linux as our operating system. However we faced a big question: Which Linux distribution ? There are dozens of linux distributions, each one with specific advantages, sometimes with or without paid services.

We chose linux Slackware because we thought that it would suit better our needs, in terms of stability and reliability. Slackware is a conservative distribution, meaning that it only offers in its distribution package kernel versions and third party libraries, once its been proved to be stable and reliable. As a result, Slackware is one the most stable Linux operating system on the market. If the user wishes the most recent Linux kernel and libraries, we recommend to look for a different distribution.

Another reason for us picking Slackware, was because of its text interface, which at the beginning may become a bit difficult, in the long run however it offers a better understanding of the Linux environment. This way most of Slackware configurations are done thru text scripts.

Once it was set the operating system, we picked Apache as our web server. Apache is one of the most popular web server in the internet. For server programming language, we chose PHP. Also, a very popular programming language. Our experience with Apache/PHP proves that this setup is very reliable, working extremely well in our production environment. For workstation programming language, we chose javascript, which besides of having a simple syntax, it offers lots of resources.

Apache web server is really a complete web server. Also, it can become very complex with many configuration setups.

For our database, we picked Postgresql. This database has been made available to the public for more than 15 years, and besides of being well debugged, it offers so many resources that it has become one of the best database options from Open Source Code softwares. Extremely reliable, Postgresql has reported cases where there have been databases in production with over 4 terabytes. Besides all of that, Postresql is not the most popular Open Source Code database. A matter of marketing ? Probably.

As for the programming language PHP, we had to use an object oriented application structure. There are many PHP application structures being offered with Open Source Code license. Object oriented application is very important, because it makes programming very easy and scalable up to the point where the system may grow without many problems. Also, it helps to keep PHP code separated from HTML, with the help of some specific libraries, such as Smarty. We make use of Smarty library and we believe that it is a very important resource, which can even make web pages faster thru the use of its cache functions.

Also a very important set of libraries worth mentioning for PHP systems, is the PEAR libraries. In PEAR web site, among the many libraries being offered, there are the database interface DB and the MAIL_QUEUE, which sends emails thru the use of database.

As we came to the end of our project, we had to use some sort of real time database replication. For that we chose the DRBD and Heartbeat libraries. The use of database replication is very important and should not be postponed. Just after 3 months our system got into production, our server hard disk became bad. Thru the use of DRBD/Heartbeat we were able to put the system back into production within seconds, without loosing any data. DRBD/Heartbeat replication is done thru the use of a lan network between the server and slave nodes.

Our project also makes use of ImageMagick (enlarge and reduce images), Iptables (firewall), Tsearch2(text search in portgresql) and Mon (linux monitoring tasks).

Also a very important library worth mentioning is the pseudo APC compiler for PHP. Speed is always a critical factor for internet sites.

Our web site is already in production and based upon our experience we can say that the Open Source Code softwares we picked, proved to be extremely reliable and stable. Open Source Code softwares can certainly be an excellent option for developing web sites.

This article is under GNU FDL license and can be distributed without any previous authorization from the author. However the authors name and all the URLs (links) mentioned in the article and biography must be kept.

Roberto Sedycias has a bachelor degree in Business Administration and over 20 years experience in systems analysis and computer programming. Currently working as IT consultant/chief software engineer for Blog40806
Celeste Blog52321

Mayors Preschool Matters on November Ballot for Denver Schools

Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper has introduced the Preschool Matters program that will greatly impact future Denver schools students, if passed by voters in the November election. The early childhood education program is endorsed by the mayor and other Denver officials.

City Council President Michael Hancock believes the measure to be extremely important to the city and the Denver schools. Denver schools Superintendent Michael Bennett agrees, stating that Denver schools educators will do everything they can to pass the measure in November.

The program was developed from recommendations submitted to the mayor by his task force, which was charged with increasing preschool access for Denvers children. Hickenlooper believes that access to quality and affordable preschools is crucial to the citys future, as well as an essential part of improving the Denver schools.

Documented studies show that preschool is one of the best investments for any city and its youth. A recent study in California by the Rand Corporation found that a return on investment of $2.62 in savings could be garnered for every dollar spent on preschool. The savings is realized through lower juvenile crime and high school dropout costs saving dollars for both Denver and the Denver schools, as well as graduating better educated Denver schools students.

Other studies have shown that the Denver schools children will be more likely to read by the third grade, less likely to require remedial education, and more likely to graduate high school and enter college.

Preschool Matters, which will greatly benefit the Denver schools and their students, will cost $12 million annually. The mayor is asking for an increase in sales tax that will equal 12 cents on every $100 of purchases within the city. If passed, the Denver sales tax will still be highly competitive with other Front Range communities.

Funding of the program covers:

Tuition Credits Open to children only for the year before entering kindergarten. Children are generally four-year-olds, and the program may be used only for one year. Credits are distributed based on need and the quality of the preschool program selected.
Outreach and Enrollment.
A Quality Improvement System for preschool providers and programs.
Administration of the program by a nonprofit organization that still must be created.
Internal and External Accountability, Measurement and Reporting Covers the number of children enrolled in preschool, the number of quality rated providers, the program finances, and the academic success of the children who attend preschool.

Preschool Matters is similar to a defeated California measure, called Proposition 82. Though both programs expand preschool for four-year-olds, the California measure was much broader in application and based on an income tax increase only for incomes of $400,000 or more annually as compared to Denvers sales tax increase for everyone, making individual contributions minimal. The California measure also was in competition with an alternative offering by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Opponents to Preschool Matters believe there already are opportunities in place through the Denver schools that may be used to expand early childhood education. They believe the mayor is only creating a bureaucracy with administrative overhead. Opponents, as well as all Denver voters, will have their say in November.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Carmen Blog36677
Ardenia Blog3318

Kids Dont Work Out, They Play

The other day, I was working out to music in my living room when my 8 year old daughter and two of her friends came in. Naturally, questions followed: what am I doing, why am I doing it, etc. After a while, the three of them joined in.

Of course, kids being kids, my workout soon expanded into a free movement and dance session. The sound levels increased with lots of laughter and squeals. After a while, the festive atmosphere was too attractive even for grown up friend of mine to resist and she joined in. What started as a workout became a party!

Kids have such an amazing way of moving just to move which we adults sometimes forget how to do. With a few exceptions (obesity, physical disability etc) kids don't need organized workouts, personal trainers, posh workout clothes or equipment to get them moving. Have you ever watched children playing on a playground? Now that's a tough work out! They move, run, jump, tumble down and get up again over and over. They move because moving feels good, not because they "have to" or "need to" exercise.

Most of us adults did a fair number of physical activities involving free play when we were young. How many of those activities do we do now? If not, why not? The common phrase I hear from adults (I have heard myself say this) is "I used to be able to do that, but now I am too old".

Honestly, is being too old a valid reason or just an excuse to allow ourselves not to do something? Personally, when I say "I am too old to do that", I really mean I am afraid of hurting myself. I know I was afraid of getting hurt as a kid too. What did I say back then? Certainly not "I am too old". I would have said, I am afraid of hurting myselfthen I would give it a try again and again.

This idea of giving up things as we become "too old" seems to be a self-fulfilling prophesy. Stopping activities because we are too old means becoming more sedentary and hence less excited about daily lifejust plain old. To quote Barbara Morris, author of "Put Old on Hold": Who decides when you are old? You Do!

Ok, ok, of course, many of you reading this would disagree. But more and more people are saying "I am not going to stop doing activities that I did when I was younger". Stopping is just not an option for these determined and vibrant people. Of course, because of past injuries, safety issues or whatnot, the way of doing the activities might have to be modified.

Back to the free play ideafree play is about learning. Learning keeps us young. This is true for our bodies as well as our brains. Our bodies learn with use or unlearn with disuse. If we are doing the same activity over and over, our bodies will learn to do those things very well and will unlearn those things that we don't do anymore. Likewise, our bodies will learn to do new things that we take up.

We fitness trainers convey this notion to clients as a "practical explanation" that there is a need to do a variety of activities to keep from hitting a fitness plateau and losing motivation often referred to as cross training. It would be very difficult to convince adults that they need to go to the playground and just play like a kid, so we apply lots of science and logic to the argument. But free play is the message. New experiences, challenges and fun keep us young.

As an example, my current partner, a 40-something fitness buff, recently decided that he wanted to take up something completely new for his body, Kung Fu. After the first lesson he said that he was really sore and said he felt injured because "the guy really did hit me hard". I thought for sure he wouldn't continue. The next day he was buying special Kung Fu shoes with great enthusiasm. Hmm like a kid on the playground he tries, gets hurt and tries again. Why? Because he is doing it - FOR FUN. Although, doing the same activities over and over is a comfortable routine, getting out of the comfort zone expands us physically, mentally and spiritually. How to get out of the comfort zone? Play like a kid!

Copyright (c) 2006 Ainsley Laing

Ainsley Laing, MSc. has been a Fitness Trainer for 25 years and writes exclusively Body for Mind eZine. She holds certifications in Group Exercise, Sports Nutrition and Personal Fitness Training. To see more articles by Ainsley visit Blog31314
Betsey Blog64210

A Slots Quiz From Gamingquiz

OK, Class, its test time. I have created this quick test for novice and veteran slot players.
I offer up this quiz in the expectation that all slot players will forever hear the sound of raining coins.

Lets get started...

1) What is an RNG?
A. Really Nice Gambling?
B. Random Number Generator?
C. Right Number Gaming?

B. Random Number Generator: a computer chip placed inside each slot that is programmed to generate multiple combinations of symbols and payouts. A selection is picked randomly, thus determining the final outcome. A busy little drone.

2) What are the three types of slots?
A. Basic, Progressive and Bonus slots?
B. Red White & Blue 7s?
C. Flat Tops, Megabucks and Double Diamonds?

A. The three types of slots are basic, (aka straight slots or flat-tops) that have a constant jackpot. Progressives with an ever-changing jackpot and the latest gaming trend, bonus video slots that offer a bonus round for extra winnings. Although the RNG runs all three types, there are different playing strategies for each type.

3) What is a multiplier slot?
A. Slot that has multiple graphics and symbols?
B. Pays more for more coins played on certain winning combinations?
C. Multiplies your win no matter how many coins played?

B. Stated simply, the more coins played, the better the winning payouts. Particular symbol payouts, as per slot schedule, are multiplied by number of coins played. This can mean the difference between a 2-coin payout and a 10-coin payout for max. coin in play. So, 1 bar, 2 bars, 3 bars--oh yeah!

4) What is a nudge slot?
A. Wild Symbol combination pays?
B. A certain combination nudges you to the Bonus round?
C. Paying Symbol dropping up or down on center payline for win?

C. Come on baby, drop that paying symbol down and give mama a big win.
It could be a basketball, diamond, cherry or wild symbol. You just need a little nudge up or down to that center payline and you are in the money.

5) Whats a short win?
A. A small jackpot?
B. A win just before you are running out of money?
C. A large win with a small cash outlay?

C. This happens all the time. A large jackpot is hit with a minimal cash outlay.
15 bucks gets you $1000s. Now thats a long win on a short chance.
Take the money and run!

6) What is flying solo?
A. Gambling alone?
B. Slot Players who play one coin only.
C. Only winner of a progressive jackpot?

B. I call them onesies. Slot players who play only one coin. I know I advocate wager management, but this is wager suicide. I suggest you drop down a denomination and play max. coins where at least you are in the running for the top jackpot without the slot bends of missing out because you should have played just one more coin. The only exception here is the bonus multi-line slots.

7) EASY POINT. Whats Call Attendant?
A. Large cash hand-paid jackpot?
B. Machine is broken, needs maintenance?
C. My slot club card points have reached their limit?

A. Its party time! Big time payday with hundreds peeled off into your sweaty, winning palms. All casino players should get this one right and truly enjoy the experience.

Gayle Mitchell is the creator of GamingQuiz: Custom Gambling Q&A at & #1 Source for gambling content online providing 5 premium services incl. CGPL Membership monthly article pkges. Free! Subscribe to ContentGambling Newsletter.Ardra Blog47280
Calla Blog92271

Edirol R-09 Wave/MP3 Recorder Review

My Sony Hi-MD (mini disc) kicked the bucket somewhat prematurely. It chews and chews on a disc without engaging. I suppose the mechanism got mangled on one of my trans-Atlantic flights. I had to drag myself into the modern recording age and invest 300 quid in a flash recorder, AND stump up another 25 for an SD memory card. And do you know what? It was worth it.

The Edirol R-09 by Roland of seventies synthesizer fame wont win any prizes in a beauty contest. It looks more like an electric shaver than a digital recorder - but that hasnt stopped me falling in love with it. Im suspicious of in-built microphones, but those silver grills on the top are pretty good - fine for journalistic notes at any rate. The plastic record and play buttons are big and chunky, but they are dead easy to use without reference to the manual. Even someone like me who is all thumbs and struggles to send a text message can use them with ease. There are buttons on the back for mono or stereo, automatic recording levels, etc. Volume controls are on the side. In other words, you can do most things without scrolling through a menu on the LCD screen. Transfer of sound onto the laptop is a doddle. You plug it into the USB and it becomes an external disc. I just open up SoundForge on my computer and start editing away. I have a 2 Gig SD card so it holds several hours of audio.

And what about the quality? It records in mp3 or WAV, the latter being uncompressed and very high quality indeed. Its 24 bit, which is ample. You might want more bits for recoding the Boston Philharmonic, but short of that it will do for most things. I find it works best with my microphone routed into the sound mixer via the Line In. When I plugged my Sure SM58 directly into the R-09 I got a certain amount of hiss. Not much, but discernible. Perhaps the impedance does not quite match (or some such technical guff). Edirol recommend buying one of their own external condenser mics, but they would say that, wouldnt they. I might try a transformer. I would hate to buy yet another mic for out and about interviews, but it might come to that...

Digital Man, a sales manager of Gigasonic, has more than 10 years experience dealing with music gears.Andree Blog45214
Aleece Blog58258

The Invention Of Sex; An Eyewitness Account Part One of The Invention of Everything

An unexpected manuscript showed up in our inbox. We were immediately convinced of its authenticity and decided we had to share it with you. It was accompanied by the following note:

Hi, there. Hows life working out? Who am I? Thats for me to know and for you to guess. Let me just say that I witnessed the invention of everything. And I kept good meeting notes.

"I wanted every planet to come with an instruction manual, but my suggestion was a nonstarter. I decided the next best thing I could do is release my notes. I hope they help clarify things for you.

"I sent them by Multi-Verse Mail to all the planets projected to have life on them that could read. As far as the earth goes, I addressed it to I figured it would exist about the time the news would come in especially handy. Why a humor magazine? Hey, I think Im a bit of humorist myself.

"Sorry, but I have to be a little vague about the participants in the meeting, because theyre all very high up the totem pole of the universe and like to keep out of the spotlight. But I assure you that my notes are accurate.

"I thought Id start with the invention of sex, since that seems to be the foundation of a lot of things. This particular invention was a tough one because we werent sure how to make it work.

"For instance, some of the participants wanted direct physical contact. Others thought the male could mail his sperm to the female, and she could deposit it in an egg bank.

"Direct contact between the two, though it seemed like a daring idea at first, won on its overall merits.

"Then the question became, should it feel good or not? Im happy to say that feeling good won by a unanimous vote. After all, we wanted you to like us.

"Looking back, I think we made the right decisions, not only about sex, but about everything. And, speaking of everything, you'll find how it was invented in my notes, too, or, at least, the highlights, like land and water, air, light, people, other animals, and details like gravity and magnetism.

"I hope my doodles help you understand why things are the way they are and appreciate our handiwork. Nothing would make me happier.

"In conclusion, I just want you to know we did our best.

Now, who on earth could doubt the authenticity of such a self-evidently true document? The inventions will be presented in the order received in the priceless document. Heres the first one.

Once we voted to go ahead with the idea of the universe, we had to deal with a lot of details. In fact, the day after we took the vote, we had a crisis on our hands. If there was going to be something in the universe besides plain old planets and suns, especially something that might enjoy our big achievement, the item or items would have to have a way to replicate. We didnt want to have to show up every time the job had to get done.

At first, figuring out how it would work sounded easy enough. Who knew how many complications there would be? Ill just give you the top line. Heres how the discussion went.

I know weve all put in a long day, the CEO said, but nobody goes home till we put the lid on the reproduction issue, OK?

Everybody agreed with the big boss. So tonight would be the night we invented sex. I became excited just thinking about it. Since I cant identify the participants anymore than I do, youll just have to make do with the dialogue.

Are we sticking with the idea that most of them are incomplete in themselves?

Anybody want most creatures to be hermaphrodites?

Nobody raised their hands.

OK. So now we have these two halves. Lets pick a species so we can see what were talking about."

How about human beings?

I can go with that. What do we call the two halves?

How about men and women?

As in male and female?


"I like it. So back to the reason were working late. How do they reproduce?

Since there are two halves, theyll need some way to mix things together, so a third thing results, right?

Sounds on the money. So what do we call these two things?

How about the male has this thing we call a sperm, and the woman has this other thing we call an egg?

Brilliant. Now we have a sperm and an egg. Where do we go from here?

You mean, how do they get together?


What if the male mails his sperm to the female?

It arrives in her mailbox?


Might die on the way. Remember, in the early days they wont know about all the benefits of freezing, just weather-related incident.

Youre right. We have to give them time to discover advanced stuff for themselves.

Heres where I got in my big suggestion.

Hey, I have it. What if we provide each planet with an instruction manual?

Why would we do that?" the boss wanted to know. "We decided to give them brains, didnt we?

Yes, boss, but, you know, even an alarm clock comes with an instruction manual. Dont you think an entire planet could use one?

It would save the inhabitants a lot of grief, a pal of mine volunteered.

No, no, were smarter than that," the big boss told us. "We can create creatures that can figure things out for themselves, or Im ready to scrap the entire universe project right now.

But, boss

Look, would you buy a car that comes with a mechanic in the trunk? No. If we build the universe right, it should be able to drive out of here and do just fine on its own, OK?

OK, I said, just a thought.

Since that was the CEO talking, I knew I had to give in. But I knew right then what a great service it would be for me to keep good notes.

Now, back to the sperm and egg. What happens next?

I have it. What if we do direct deposit?

How would that work?

Well, wed give the male a tube and the woman a receptacle. He puts the tube in the receptacle and delivers the sperm.

Wheres the egg?

Where else? In the receptacle. Only way up there, so its safe.

Like it. Sounds like a plan.

Hold it. Are we sure the male should have the tube?

Lets just say for now, one half has a tube and the other half has a receptacle.

How do they work with that setup? Theyd have to be mighty close.

Hey, that sounds interesting.


Being mighty close. It might even help them like each other.

Hmm, do you think theyll need help with that?

Who knows? Probably in some cases. I dont see any downside.

OK, so they get close. What happens next?

You mean, how does he make the deposit?


What do you think? He puts it in the receptacle.

But how does he get it in there? Wouldnt his tube have to be stiff?

Probably be a help to him.

Right. But should it be stiff all the time?

I dont think thats advisable. How would he, say, run from wild animals or look uninterested when he thought it would be attractive to a memeber of the female half?

Doesnt sound like good design to me. Lets match form and function here. Its only stiff when he needs it to be. OK?

Sounds right. So how does it get stiff?

I have it. What if they hold each other in their arms?

Yeah, yeah, go on.

And they rub their bodies together?


Lets say it makes them feel good and we tie feeling good in with stiffness. He feels good, up it goes.

What about the female half? Shouldnt she feel good, too?

Seems fair to me. Hey, I just thought of a win-win situation.

Whats that?

She feels good and helps the process along by creating some lubrication to help with the deposit.

Fantastic tie in.

Wed have to build that into the nerve endings.

I think we can manage that. The better they feel, the happier they are, right?

Before we get carried away with all this feel-good stuff, lets ask a more basic question. Should it feel good to replicate or should it be painful?

Do we want them to do it or dont we?

After all the work were doing to get them to the point where theyre on a planet and ready to go for it, we better want them to.

Ive got a build on that. What if we make it feel so good they cant resist doing it?

Now, theres an outstanding thought. You mean sort of an insurance policy that, no matter how dumb they might be in some things, at least, theyd reproduce, so some smarter people might come along.


Terrific concept. So lets go for it. All in favor of making sex feel so good they cant resist doing it raise their hands.

All the hands went up.

OK, thats it. Motion carried. Boy, are these creatures ever gonna love us. Anything else?

Well, we have to think of everybody. So, good as it feels, there are bound to be people who somehow decide sex isnt a good thing.

Are you kidding, with all the benefits were loading it with?"

Who knows, guilt of some kind?

About what? Were making the design choices, not them.

Of course. But you know how much we like variety. What a joy to see all the molecules combine this way and that! So we have to plan for everything. What do you think? Should the naysayers be able to resist doing it?

I think those few who have a negative viewpoint should be able to decline, but I think we should make it really tough for them. Its the solid middle ground.

I can accept that.


"Now, I want to get back to the design thing for a moment. Theyre rubbing their bodies together. Theyre feeling good. What happens?


Brush burns.

What do you mean?

What are we making the skin out of, vinyl?

Youre right. Hey, I have it.


We take an idea right off the top of their heads.

Whats that?

Hair. We put some hair down there, sort of like a cushion.

Long hair like they have on their heads? That might complicate things.

I have it. What if we make a special kind of short, fuzzy hair? Form and function, perfectly joined.

Do you think theyll be OK with that? Does it seem too animal?

It might embarrass them, particularly in the early days, when theyre trying to distance themselves from the other creatures we plan to introduce.

You mean, like monkeys?


I dont know. I think having some hair here and there might help them feel more at home with the other creatures.

Instead of all by their lonesome selves on some otherwise desolate planet?


Good insight. Very harmonious. I want you to know that. OK, so lets recap it and take a vote. Here it is. The male has a tube. Can we agree on that?

Im too tired to go on about who has what.

Good. Its getting late. So lets move on.

Hold it, hold it, lets not rush ahead too fast.

What do you mean?

What makes the sperm go from the tube way up to where the egg is?

Excellent question. Any thoughts?

How about this? At some point, during all the rubbing together, he feels so good he launches it toward the woman.

Yeah, yeah, but what powers the launch?

What else do we have to work with? Muscle power. You know, they contract.

OK, thats it. The muscles start to contract and we have a launch.

And it feels good.

Really good. And what about the woman. She has muscles, too.

When youre right, youre right. So her muscles start to contract.

Yeah, but why?

I have it. So out comes the lubrication.

Love it. Equality if I ever heard it.

I have another way to make nice.

What? We havent made this enough fun yet?

No, no, get this. We give the male a really big reward when he deposits the sperm, and the female an equally big reward when she lubricates the receptacle. Then theyll want to do it even more and, when they think how much pleasure we put into the design, theyre love us like crazy.

Great observation. So what do we call this good feeling?

What else? The climax.

Done. A climax it is.

Can I just enlarge on that?


Well, after they do it and she finds herself with a little replica inside of her, shes going to have to go through a lot, while the guy just sits back and thinks, Wow, look what I did. So I think she should get a reward commensurate with her responsibilities.

Good thinking. Anybody got any suggestions?

I have it. What if she can feel good more often than the guy?

You mean she can have multiple climaxes?

Why not? It would be tied to all the rubbing around, not just the launch. Besides, when it comes to lubrication, whos counting?

Is this getting hot or not? I think weve covered it. Anything else before we take a vote.

One thing. If sex is going to feel as good as we say it is, theyll want to do it a lot. But theres no way one woman can have that many kids.

Youre right. Not only that, how can we ask one man to support that many? So the question is, can they only do it when they have making kids on their minds to help them get excited?

Thats a lot of holding back.

Right. So whats the answer?

Well, lets think about that. If theyre holding each other in their arms, rubbing around together and feeling good, and then we have a climax hey, maybe they even both go off at the same time the whole experience might be a great way just to get them in each others arms to help them care about each other.

You mean, sort of amity through proximity?

Right. Theyre in each others arms, it feels good, so they feel good about each other. Hey, maybe when they love each other it even becomes one way they express love. How about that for a fantastic concept?

Great. Just great. Anything else?

Just a detail. You know Im a numbers guy.


Well, we know we want them to succeed at replication, so how does that influence the supply of sperm and eggs?

Good point. Any suggestions?

Sure. More is more. All we do is make sure the guy has plenty of sperm to launch and the lady has a plenty of eggs to drop.

We need to get specific. First, lets deal with the man. How about a hundred a pop?

A hundred? Come on, man, we think bigger than that. I refer you to the overall plan. The universe, we agree, is going to be based on numbers in the zillions planets, stars, you name it.

So what if we give the male zillions of sperm.

That may be overdoing it. Im not sure he could get around with that much sperm between his legs.

What if we settle for billions?

Still seems like more than the required amount.

Millions, then?

Per launch?

Yeah. How can he miss?

OK. Then, like, what about the number of eggs?

We wouldnt want him fertilizing millions of eggs at a time.

You got that right. We cant have the woman trying to make room for that many replicas at once. How about it, as a control, we just provide for one egg at a time.

Sounds good, but a little too predictable. What if every so often there are two, three, four, even five of them?

Why dont we just agree that generally there will be one and once in a while two or more.

And get this. What if from time to time after the sperm meets up with the egg, the combo can split? So we get a twofer two babies for one good timer? Its like what theyll one day call a BOGO sale: buy one, get one free.

Now weve got some really interesting variety going. So the guy has millions of sperm, and the woman has

An egg a month.

OK, seems workable. But lets examine the implications of that. The woman produces an egg a month for how long?

Oh, maybe thirty-five, forty years. We dont want her having kids when it will be too hard on her body.

OK, and the male produces millions of sperm every time he gets excited, maybe three times or so a week for how long?

He could go for more years since he doesnt have to carry the child.

Might also be a good idea, because the males will get into more trouble, especially in the early days, when they have to go out and hunt for dinner, etc.

Youre right. So lets let him be ready for launch for, say, 50 years or, if hes quite a guy, even longer?

Sounds right. Over their lifetimes, he produces billions of sperm and she produces hundreds of eggs.

How can they miss? I think weve got reproduction nailed.

Before we wrap things up, lets ask the tough question. What about all the sperm and eggs that dont make it? What do we to think about them? After all, every one of them will be a genetcally unique, one-of-a-kind potential offspring?

Well, at least, on a per-planet basis. Let's make the numbers work for their benfit and ours."

"How do we do that?"

"Simple as a dimple. When they realize the enormous odds against being the one or two offspring, theyll appreciate how lucky they are to be the sperm and egg that met up.

You mean the odds against a successful hookup help them appreciate their lives?

Exactamundo! Know anything else with odds against it like that?

I think that about wraps it up. Lets vote on it. All in agreement with sex as weve invented it?

The yeas were unanimous.

So we knocked off for the night. We knew we had a big day ahead of us. In fact, quite a few big days.

Tom Attea, humorist and creator of, has had six shows produced Off-Broadway. Critics have called his writing "delightfully funny," "witty," with "great humor and ebullience" and "good, genuine laughs." Catherine Blog14941
Atlanta Blog57830

Backup Data On Your Laptop

If you were to look at past statistics regarding the information that has been lost in regards to laptop computers, you would find yourself amazed. Even though this information can be astounding, many of us still dont take the time to back up the information on our laptops.

To put it in simple terms, nothing in the computer industry is fool proof. Hard drives can crash, the laptop can get stolen, or it can even be dropped and rendered useless. To ensure that we are never left without our precious data, we should always create a backup of our information.

There is no mistaken the fact that over a million laptops have been stolen over the years in the United States alone. Anytime a laptop is stolen, chances are that it wont be recovered. If the information wasnt backed up, then the owner will be left with no laptop - but more importantly - no backed up data either.

Just like you can with desktop computers, you can also create a backup of the data on your laptop as well. You can use online services, back it up remotely, or use several other methods to ensure that you keep all of your data. Preserving your data is something you should really look into, especially if you have business material on your laptop.

The best way to go about backing up your data and files is to burn them to a data CD. Data CDs can hold up to 700 MB (Mega Bytes) of data, which means a lot of files. To back things up this way, all you need is a CD/RW burner in your laptop, which most of the newer ones come with.

The only drawback to laptops is the fact that they dont offer near as much storage or security measures as a desktop PC. Desktop computers have a lot more power, and they can also do things (including backups) in a fraction of the time.

The laptop computer was designed for on the go use, which is the main reason why people dont really think about backing up their data. When the thought finally does come to mind, it is normally too late to do anything about it.

As mentioned above, the easiest and quickest way to backup your laptop data is to use an online backup service. Depending on your connection to the Internet, it can take anywhere from several minutes to several hours. Although it may take you a little bit of time, youll have the satisfaction in knowing that your data is there if something should happen.

Whether its for your business or personal use, you cant go wrong backing up your data. You should always create a backup of your data at least once a month, even more than that if you have a lot of important information that you add to your laptop on a frequent basis.

John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to Blog35096
Ally Blog56586

Tampa Schools Take Safety Seriously

Everyone in any school system has a desire to keep kids safe. Parents, teachers, administrators, and school board members and employees work together to ensure the safety of students. Parents and schools alike rely on each other to educate their students on safety rules as appropriate to the age of the children. Tampa Schools are highly conscious of the need to keep their students safe, and have plans in place which do so. Two such plans in Tampa Schools are the Life Threatening Allergy (LTA) Responsibility Commitment, and the Jessica Lunsford Act.

The Life Threatening Allergy Commitment is in place to save childrens lives. Millions of children throughout the country suffer from life threatening allergies, and Tampa Schools are ready to deal with any situation that may arise. All members of the district of Tampa Schools have responsibilities to keep kids safe, including, but not limited to the students themselves, parents, and all Student Nutrition Services employees. The details of this plan may be reviewed at the Tampa Schools website.

Effective September 1, 2005, changes in legislation under the Jessica Lunsford Act (a law enacted after the abduction and murder of Jessica Lunsford) now require all Tampa Schools contractors, subcontractors, and their employees to undergo a Level II background screening. This screening consists of an FDLE/FBI search. If a Tampa Schools contractor or their employees or subcontractors and their employees will be at any of Tampa Schools when students are present, have direct contact with students, or have access to or control of school funds, they will be required, as mandated by Florida State Law to undergo this screening.

If the contractor or subcontractors have no personnel who meet any of the three criteria, the law does not apply and no action is necessary. The fingerprints must be kept current and are required to be updated every five years. Any break in service to Tampa Schools will require individuals to be re-screened at their cost. Outside agencies reports will not be accepted. Prior to being fingerprinted, each individual will be required to disclose any previous criminal history on the Criminal Record Information form. This document must be received and cleared by the Tampa Schools Office of Professional Standards before being fingerprinted. All individuals will be required to meet the background qualification guidelines for contractors before being considered eligible for Tampa Schools site access.

After eligibility is assessed, notification of such will be sent to the contractor, along with the clearance for his or her employee(s) to report to Fingerprinting. The potential Tampa Schools contractor will receive a document that indicates the employee has been fingerprinted and is now considered an approved contractor/employee once the district receives the fingerprint return from FDLE/FBI. This usually takes 24 to 48 hours. Additionally, contractors will be mailed ID badges for their employees that must be worn at all times while present at any Tampa Schools campus. It is obvious that the district of Tampa Schools is highly aware of the necessity of keeping its students safe.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Blog2626
Benetta Blog62000

Benefit Of Infusion

People have heard that tea is good for health but hardly know why. All the different kinds of tea available on the market are good for health: black, green or red tea. They are rich in potent antioxidants which protect the body from damage caused by harmful toxic substances and free radicals. These substances come from an unhealthy lifestyle as the one of smokers, drinkers, and the one who eat junk food.

We usually find these same antioxidants in any product given by the nature: fruits and vegetables mostly.

Some studies even proclaim that drinking tea can reduce cancer risk. This includes carcers as gastrointestinal tract, skin and ovaries.

Among the famous kinds of tea, red tea which is made from rooibos wich is an indigenous herb tea from the Southwestern Cape region of South Africa. Rooibos tea contains no colors, additives or preservatives, making it a natural beverage. Unlike regular tea, it contains no caffeine, but is full of antioxidants. Some cultures drink this tea for the relief of hay fever, asthma and heartburn.

In Asia people believe more in green tea, which has a combination of several antioxidants, along with vitamins and minerals that, in hundreds of studies, have shown to have positive effects to our health. Looking at some of these studies green tea seems to help reduce blood pressure, help with sugar control, and also help reduce the rates of certain cancers.

But not only tea can be good for health, and other beverages as infusions which are concoctions made from parts of plants or trees can help you to reduce some disease risks.

For example chamomile is believed to improve digestion and help to relax. Chamomile offers many benefits and has a long history of use as both a medicinal herb and a tea. In fact, chamomile has an impressive pedigree backed up by medical research, and is understood to help a variety of conditions. Chamomile can be used safely for a long period of time to nurture the nervous system, among other systems of the body.

These herbal infusions are called tisanes, and can be made with fresh or dried flowers, leaves, seeds or roots, generally by pouring boiling water over the plant parts and letting them steep for a few minutes. Seeds and roots can also be boiled on a stove. The most famous is linden (lime leaf) tea.

So even if we can't be sure that these drinks are good for our health, we, at least, are sure that they are not bad, so it's something to add on your shopping list next time you will go to the supermarket.

Dr. Frank provides free help to people who want to have a healthy lifestyle on his website Blog61217
Anstice Blog71727

Electric Guitar Buying Guide for the Beginner

So, youre looking to buy your first electric guitar for yourself, or perhaps a gift for a young budding musician. Buying your first guitar can seem like a daunting task. With so many different brands and models available today it can be difficult to decide which guitar to purchase. Here are some helpful tips to help you make the best choice.

I cant stress enough how important it is for new guitar players to start out with a good quality instrument that is easy to play. Electric guitars, in general, are easier to play than acoustic guitars because of their lighter gauge strings and lower playing action. They require much less hand strength to fret the strings and are much easier on beginners uncalloused fingers. A quality guitar will assure maximum comfort and ease-of-play while beginners are starting out. Otherwise, young players can easily get discouraged with an instrument that is hard to play and painful on their fingers.

For consistency in quality I would recommend sticking with a well-known brand name guitar rather than a cheap knock-off or reproduction. Spend a little more money to invest in a quality instrument. Many of the bigger guitar brand names will offer affordable lines of guitars specifically targeting beginners. For example, the Fender guitar company offers their Squire line of guitars. The Gibson guitar company has their Epiphone guitar models. These guitars look and play like their more expensive counterparts but are much more affordable, often hundreds to thousands of dollars less. Other popular brands such as Ibanez, Jackson, BC Rich, Gretsch, and many others offer lower-end affordable models alongside their premiere models. Good brand name guitars will also hold their value should you ever want to sell them.

Consider buying a used guitar. Unlike computers or electronics used and older guitars dont become obsolete. You can find some fantastic deals on lightly used guitars that may have some light cosmetic signs of wear but will perform just as well as a new instrument. Some people even feel that a used guitar has been worn in and will play even better than a new one. Most of these guitars will have already been set up properly and ready for play. Another advantage of buying used guitars is that you may find instruments that have been upgraded by their former owners: new pickups, strap locks, and custom graphics to name a few.

Another great option in guitar value is to consider Factory 2nd and refurbished guitars. These guitars may have slight cosmetic blemishes or factory repairs that prevent them from being sold as new instrument. They usually sell for significant discounts from their new counterparts. Besides minor blemishes you are practically getting a brand new guitar.

Seek the advice of someone you may know who plays guitar. Most experienced players will be familiar with the various brand names and can help guide you in your decision. Guitarists love to talk about guitars, and this is a great way to get some honest advice without the pressure of the salesman pitch.

Follow these tips and youre sure to find an affordable, great quality guitar that will provide you with reliable performance and music for years to come. Visit for the best value in new and used guitars, factory 2nds, and refurbished instruments at cheap guitar prices.

E. Lucktong

E. Lucktong is an avid guitar player and performer with over 20 years of experience. Visit for great values in new and used guitars, factory 2nds and refurbished guitars, and vintages.Ame Blog66611
Becky Blog5166

Real Men Don't Plan Weddings

Most of you know that my podcast co-host, best friend and overall "main squeeze" Emily and I are getting married in December. I couldn't be a happier guy about that. After all, she's a fantastic woman. This means, of course, we've spent much of the last month since our engagement (which happened during "X & Y On The Fly" podcast episode 11) planning our wedding and everything associated with it. Over the course of that relatively brief period of time, I've already come to a profound conclusion.

Real men don't plan weddings.

Don't get me wrong. I am not saying that real men don't get married. Quite the contrary. Most good men seek to find genuine love with one great woman sooner than later, and look forward to coming home to her every night. And that's a great thing.

That said, however, I believe I've come up with a previously undetected reason why men seem to have trouble taking that step towards the "lifetime commitment" of marriage. Thousands (if not millions) of women everywhere have long wondered how a man can be so eager to have her around month after month without "popping the question". Months can turn into years, and still no ring and no date.

Is it really that all of these men are "commitment phobes" who are looking for "better options"?

Possibly. But if that were the case, why would those same guys be spending so much time sitting around watching the tube and drinking beer instead of searching out "options"? It all just doesn't add up, does it?

Well, ladies (and gentlemen), the sensible explanation for all of this is disarmingly simple, although most likely subliminal in the mind of every guy it affects.

It's not that we're afraid of marriage or commitment. It's that we are utterly terrified of planning the wedding.

I first presented this groundbreaking hypothesis to Emily, and was met with skepticism. "Oh, c'mon. How can that be? Putting all of this together is exciting. Don't you think it is fun?"

I responded simply. "I'd rather do sudoku puzzles."

She looked at me in shock. After all, I'd famously rather do my taxes and / or watch paint dry than touch any blasted sudoku puzzle with a ten-foot pencil. At least tax returns involve number crunching that is actually necessary and may result in a refund check.

"Seriously...", I elaborated, " one guy you've ever known who was excited about planning his wedding."

She named a few. After brief consideration, I countered that those guys had to have been merely demonstrating "sympathy excitement", which doesn't count.

I therefore revised my challenge. "OK...well...short of anyone who is a clinically-problematic 'control freak', name one guy who ended up arranging all the details himself, according to his own thoughts and wishes."

"Yeah,'ve got me there.", Emily retorted, punctuated with a snicker.

Really now. It's a downright silly thought. What guy feels that passionately towards flowers, table settings, elaborate dresses and throwing social parties? Even if he did, there's no way he could wrestle control of such from the bride while remaining engaged.

Exactly! Wedding ceremonies and receptions are all about the bride. I mean, the guy involved doesn't even have a real title--he's just there to "groom" the bride! Therefore, everything involved with planning such things is utterly feminine.

Us guys really find it all rather tedious. To us wedding planning is like one big, protracted trek to the mall for shoe shopping.

Oh sure. We go along when absolutely necessary to "show support" and to make sure "we approve". But heaven help us if we didn't "approve" of something along the way. It would mean being dragged to more prospective "settings" festooned with Gazebos and year-round Christmas lights. So the women...Emily included...typically get the rubber stamp from the "Groom".

Guys like me would have been happy just to go to the JP and get on with it, maybe draining a few "cold ones" afterwards. Even when wrapped up in a more "formal" wedding, we all don't want or need any elaborate consideration. Just rent me the same tux the other guys are wearing. No biggee.

Despite my ranting, all of this deep thought really has helped me put things into perspective and I accept my short-term lot in life gladly. I won't begrudge the bride her wedding planning bliss one bit.

Here's why.

For a woman, this really is her one chance (hopefully) to live out all of her fantasies associated with being a "Disney Princess" and throwing the big party to back it up.

Obviously, every business owner who ever touches a wedding already knows this. I've dealt with ten years' worth of obnoxious, abrasive people in the last few weeks, all of whom clearly on the immediate defensive vis--vis a steady parade of highly-demanding "bridezillas" who demanded perfection. This, of course, only contributed to how much more loathsome the entire process became for me. And this was before my realization that uttering the very word "wedding" triggers a "surcharge mechanism"'. Painful.

"So..." Emily later said, "...your demeanor has changed about all this wedding stuff. What's up with that?"

My reply was thought out ahead of time and therefore clearly stated, "Lookit. I'm fortunate to be a guy. I theoretically get several chances at making certain lifetime dreams go off perfectly. If, however, I only had one chance on one particular day to get one car that I wanted--and was committed to it for life--I would take a lot of time in getting ready for that."

"And I'd support you through that process 100%.", she said. "But I would be bored to tears every minute of it."

Want to hear more? Scot McKay is the founder of X & Y Communications, a one-stop-shop for dating and relationship resources. He is the author of the books "Deserve What You Want" and "Cook For Your Date", and hosts the popular podcast series "X & Y On The Fly" with his fiancee Emily Grillo. He may be reached at or on the Web at and Stop by for a FREE GIFT and to subscribe to the podcast series.Betty Blog99509
Aindrea Blog83403

The Internet And The Insurance Agent

The auto insurance business has gone to war online. Insurance companies such as esurance have emerged from nowhere to capture a significant portion of the auto insurance market, wholly through online marketing and sales. Theirs is a completely electronic empire. The company is underwritten by an established insurance firm and provides all of its customer service through a half dozen regional call centers scattered around the country.

Auto insurance is perhaps the most egregious example of insurance/internet collision. Every major insurance company offers "quotes" online for health insurance, life insurance, property and casualty and a host of lesser policies such as motorcycle and watercraft coverage. Long term health insurance is the new online product that many insurance companies are featuring, even those that don't carry a full line of health insurance products. The internet has become a showcase for "bargain" policies and for new products.

Limits to Online Insurance Sales

Fortunately for the independent agent, in the insurance business the "devil is in the details." Health and life policies can be complicated agreements; people who are buying them need to understand the importance of every clause in the policy. While they can read a policy that has been purchased online, they may well have difficulty finding someone who can explain it to them if it hasn't come through a local insurance agent.

Accordingly, the big firms like Metlife, Aetna, Farmers and Allstate will provide quotes online but then will usually direct online inquiries to local agents. There are a number of large firms that take pride in their network of local agents and use the national websites to support their independent agents.

The Value of a Local Agency Online

There are also quite a few independent insurance agencies that have developed websites trumpeting their independence and claiming it as a virtue. While local agencies don't carry competing products, they will carry different types of policies from an assortment of firms. The more aggressive independent agencies use 800 telephone numbers and online quote inquiries to make themselves appear larger than they perhaps are. Agents must be licensed to operate by the state where they are doing business; there aren't many locally based agencies that are licensed in more than one state.

That doesn't mean that an agency in Eugene Oregon, for example, can't service the entire state of Oregon. With a well designed website a local firm can blow itself up into a regional enterprise. 800 numbers contribute to this image as do expanded business hours and online claim forms. Those claim forms may simply generate a phone call from the office to the customer, but to the policy holder it seems like a large business entity providing full service and attentive support.

An independent agent can promise something that no online insurance sales operation can deliver: a face-to-face conversation and a step-by-step, page-by-page explanation of an insurance policy. Agents can use the websites operated by the underwriters they represent: many of the national websites have excellent FAQs on their policies and explanations of policy options. It's a good place for a consumer to start, and the independent agent can link his agency's site to those informative pages - and then reel the customer back in. Like politics, in the end all insurance is local. A website can expand what local means for an independent agent, both by online presence and through the use of search engine optimization.

Madison Lockwood is a customer relations associate for She helps clients understand how a website may benefit them both personally and professionally. Apollo Hosting provides website hosting, ecommerce hosting, & VPS hosting to a wide range of customers.Anastasie Blog9068
Cassandry Blog51831

Organizing Your Church Building Committee

Selecting the right leaders, assigning the right responsibilities to the right people, recruiting, training, evaluating, and retaining the working body are some of the keys to a successful church building project. The first step is organizing your building committee.

The leadership, after thoughtful prayer and discussion, names the Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and Secretary (Recorder) of the Building Committee. This comprises the Steering Committee or Executive Building Committee members. These are the people who will be responsible to communicate to the leadership and perhaps to the church body. The Steering Committee should then, with the Pastors and other leaders help, determine individual sub-committee chairpersons.

Once those individual sub-committee chairpersons have been proposed, the chairperson together with the Pastor should jointly call each potential sub-committee chairperson in order to enlist that persons service. Some may accept right away, some may want a few days to think about it, and some may decline. Have backup names prepared.

After each chairperson has accepted their role, it would be wise to assist the chairperson in selecting potential sub-committee members. The leadership should agree that each committee chairperson should enlist one or two key persons whom they want on their committee, and then provide an opportunity for every person who wishes to volunteer to serve on the committee in which that person is most interested. In some cases the Church Building Committee appoints members for all committees, and then attempts to secure their agreement to serve on the committee. Whatever method is used it is important to involve as many persons as possible in this phase of the church building project. Do not rely on public announcements or newsletter articles alone to secure volunteers. Some people who ought to be involved will not volunteer. Members of the Church Building Council should make personal calls on any persons who have not volunteered, and encourage them to sign up as a member of the committee of their choice, or one suggested by the Council. Smaller committees are typically easier to manage than larger ones. Some committees will need more workers than others. Therefore a committee may range from 3 to 10 people.

Once the chairperson of each sub-committee is organized it is time to have a general meeting to get everyone on board. It is strongly recommended that the Building campaign be discussed early in the planning phase of the program. There must be no question of unity or purpose. If someone is not 100% on board and in unity on the need to build, then they should not be part of the building program. Members can and will disagree on many details, but they must be unified in the purpose and goal for building.

The next meeting of the group should be for training and education. Each committee should be instructed as to the specific responsibilities in the presence of other committee chairpersons. The purpose of this meeting is so that each committee understands how it works together as a part of a larger whole in order to make the campaign successful. Each committee member has a circle of influence, and as they spread the information about what they are doing and enlist the support of others, they will be able to do so in the context of the entire program. This process builds consensus and confidence in the success of the program.

Remember one of the goals of the campaign is to increase member involvement in the church. Increasing member involvement increases ownership in the church. Increased ownership in the church increases stewardship.

Set Target Dates:

Set target dates for progress reports, and for the committees to have their work completed and their written reports presented to the Governing Body.

Resource Material:

The Governing Body of the church should provide the committees with as much resource material as possible for their work. Churches similar to yours that have recently gone through a building program can be a great source of information. The Internet is a great place to start. Trade publications for furnishing and interior design also provide excellent information. Professional consulting services should also be relied upon. Progress Reports: The committees should make regular progress reports to the Executive Committee according to the target dates for such reports, and the Executive Committee should make progress reports to the congregation.

A Church Building Committee could be composed as follows:
- Chairperson of the Church Building Committee
- Recorder (secretary) of the Church Building Committee
- Pastor(s) of the church
- Chairperson of Prayer
- Chairperson of Property
- Chairperson of Promotion
- Chairperson of Finance
- Chairperson of Facilities
- Chairperson of Furnishings
- Chairperson of Legal
- Chairperson of Construction


I cannot emphasize this point enough. Inevitably, in any construction project, there will be issues that arise that were not anticipated. The manner in which conflict is resolved will often determine the success or failure of the project! With that in mind and with great appreciation to the Institute for Christian Conciliation, I offer the following review of conflict resolution for Building Committees.

Conflict as an Opportunity Conflict is not necessarily bad or destructive. As people reconciled to God by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we believe that we are called to respond to conflict in a way that is remarkably different from the way the world deals with conflict. (See Matthew 5:9) The most important question in conflict is, "How can I please and honor the Lord in this situation?"

As the Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks, or the church of Godeven as I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved. Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

We believe that glorifying God happens when we take time to remember God's role in our conflict and then respond to it His way. As Christians, we believe that God sacrificed dearly, involving himself in all our conflicts. Therefore, we have the privilege and responsibility to consider God's perspective on the issue by trusting, obeying, and imitating Him. (See Proverbs 3:4-6; John 14:15; and Ephesians 5:1)

Negotiate in a Biblical Manner:

According to the Institute for Christian Conciliation a biblical approach to negotiation may be summarized in five basic steps:

1) Prepare (pray, get the facts, seek godly counsel, develop options)
2) Affirm relationships (show genuine concern and respect for others)
3) Understand interests (identify others' concerns, desires, needs, limitations, or fears)
4) Search for creative solutions (prayerful brainstorming)
5) Evaluate options objectively and reasonably (evaluate, don't argue)

Get Help From Wise Counsel:

l We strongly recommend that the Building Committee Chairperson and each of the subcommittee chairpersons become familiar with the basic principles for conflict resolution found on the website

Glen Trematore is the Principal of Church Development Services Inc., which provides off the shelf church building plans & consulting services. Mr. Trematore may be reached via email at or at http://www.churchdevelopment.comCatina Blog85634
Cathee Blog75275

Requirements Of A Vocational Training Center

Once the basic formal education is over the moment of concern arrives. The confusion about choice of vocation causes a lot of tension in the minds of parents and the youth. Those who have clear goals of academic achievement and the means to realize it would go ahead and continue with their higher education in the formal line. Those who want to make a career in time and begin to earn well in time would choose a career oriented vocational training.

There are various economic groups that would choose to be trained in a skill that would give them sustained income and some amount of economic security like the middle class people, disabled, socially disadvantaged and those with high edge technical aptitude who wants to excel in that. A Vocational training center provides opportunities for these sections of people. A vast majority of educated youth choose to earn early and settle in life at the earliest.

Requirements of a vocational training center:

A vocational training centre should, first and foremost, should have a clear vision about the target group. A clear statistical knowledge of the candidates it targets, their economic background, their requirements, the average educational qualification of the local demography are some of the things to be known about the potential trainees. Secondly, the management should brainstorm and implement those trainings that are most taken by students.

The courses provided should be well integrated. Theory should complement the practical training and not the other way around. For vocational training the curricula should be for its most part filled with practical exercises, assignments and project works. The theory part should be just to fill the comprehension gaps. Besides providing training in house, the students must be given exposure in companies and industries. Placement services can be integral to a vocational training centre.

Infrastructure for Vocational Training Centre:

The center must provide the proper infrastructure for the students. The building design must suit the course requiems. A vocational training centre would dedicate more space for the laboratory and work room with proper equipments. Students residence and staff residence requirements must be met if the center provides training for resident students. Space for games, entertainment and recreation must be taken care of.

Allan Wilson owns and operates where you can learn more about vocational skills training. Vocational TrainingBiddy Blog79334
Ambur Blog79710

Let a Debt Management Program get your Debts on the Track

We, the people are habitual of getting our expenses exceeding our financial recourses. We want something and we get it even if our pocket doesnt allow it. When shortfall of money is the problem, we take loans or debts for achieving what we want. This doesnt affect us till we are able to manage them. But when these debts get out of our control and instead start controlling us, we are in trouble. In such situation a debt management program can be the cure to this financial fever.

Debt management programs are meant for debt removal and managing repayments, enable the borrowers to breathe easy in a debt less environment. These days debt management program providers not only prepares debt management plans but also other services which you can avail to control your debts in future. Credit counseling, bankruptcy and debt handling education, budget plans, online counseling, credit report and status analysis, measures to stop debt from arising further etc are the benefits which you can avail under a debt management program.

These debt management program providers also arranges debt consolidation loan for consolidation of your debts. With a debt consolidation loan amount you can consolidate all your existing debts. So that now you have to make a single monthly repayment installment instead of paying each debt separately. Also this saves lot of your money as the interest rate is much low as compared to what you are paying on all your debt in total. Debt management program combined a with debt consolidation loans serves you faster and better in eliminating all your debts.

A debt management program also provides you with the automatic deposit services. Under this service the debt management program providers automatically deducts the debt amount from your checking account and pay your creditors accordingly. This removes the hassle of repaying debts on your own. Also, these service providers have tie ups with large number of lenders. They can make your repayments affordable by talking to your lenders for interest rates and repayment term.

As we know that precautions always start at home, we can take certain steps from our side along with a debt management program to manage our debts. We can make lesser use of credit cards, which is a big reason for rising debts. Make cash purchase wherever possible or use debit card. Planning and budgeting can be of a great help.

Debt management program are uniquely designed for every individual. For applying for a debt management program you can fill an online application form with following details:

Personal details Name, address and contact information, mobile numbers, email IDs.

Debt information Amount of debts with you, number of debts with you along with details about your creditors, credit statement for reference.

Employment details Your employment status and monthly income.

Enrollment process for a debt management program provider will take 30 to 40 minutes. The debt management program provider will contact you with the best possible solution after accessing your information and help you see a better world.

Loan borrowing is like once in a life time decision and much is at stake. It is indeed not a good thing that many people are misguided into taking loans that are not appropriate to their financial situation. This leads to many allied misgivings. As a financial consultant the only driving force of Ann Gibson is to provide proper knowledge. Because knowledge in respect to loan borrowing is power and exudes financial benefits. He works for uk debt consolidation site uk debt consolidations. To find a personal debt consolidation loans, Debt management programs, loans, unsecured debt consolidation loans, secured loans, debt consolidation loan, debt consolidation mortgage that best suits your need please visit Blog82843
Caitlin Blog62463

July 1, 2006 Extension on Student Loan Consolidation Coming to an End

Have you ever received a piece of mail asking you immediately to call about your student loans? Or, have you ever filled out an online student loan consolidation form? If so, you still may be eligible to save thousands of dollars on your student loans and cut your monthly payments by 60 percent.

As of July 1, 2006, student loan borrowers who did not get a chance to consolidate their outstanding student loans felt the impact of the interest rate increase. Federal student loan interest rates on July 1, 2006 increased by 39 percent (a 1.84 percentage point increase), which drastically increased payments for borrowers who did not meet the consolidation deadline.

Incomplete Applications

The U.S. Department of Education allowed student loan borrowers to lock in the significantly lower pre-July 1, 2006 interest rates by submitting an application for consolidation before the deadline. However, due to the enormous demand this year for student loan consolidation, many student loan borrowers were unable to finish their consolidation application in time. This resulted in an increase in monthly payments and thousands of dollars in extra interest costs for student loan borrowers who missed the consolidation deadline. However, there is good news for those who did not fully complete their consolidation application in time.

Many student loan borrowers prior to July 1, 2006 responded to a piece of mail immediately directing them to call about their student loans ( and then partially completed an application. This past year there also were borrowers who submitted a partially completed online application before the deadline. Since these borrowers did not sign the application they suspected they were ineligible for the lower interest rates.

Act Now to Receive Lower Interest Rates

For example, federal student loan consolidation ( provider NextStudent has countless partially completed applications from incoming callers and online inquiries that were started before the July 1, 2006 deadline. These applications were completed yet lack a signature; therefore, those borrowers are eligible to receive the pre-July 1, 2006 interest rates. In order to receive a lower rate, borrowers must act now and call NextStudent to sign their application. The Department of Educations extension most likely will expire by December 2006, which does not give borrowers much time to act.

To check and see if you are eligible for the pre-July 1, 2006 interest rates and save thousands of dollars on your student loans, immediately contact NextStudent at 1-800-299-4639 or online at

Jeff Mictabor is an enthusiast on the topic of student loan issues in the news. He has been writing for the past 10 years for a variety of education publications. He now offers his writing services on a freelance basis.Bunnie Blog15321
Beth Blog11758

Adrien Brody Zero to Hero

One of the least typecast actors in Hollywood, Adrien Brody -- star of the new period biopic Hollywoodland -- has defied critics by choosing a wide range of roles on the basis that they look like fun. This approach has taken him from the most serious role imaginable, as a Polish Jew in Roman Polanskis The Pianist, to portraying Jack Driscoll in Peter Jacksons big budget adventure King Kong.

Despite Brodys seemingly overnight success in The Pianist -- a role that made him the youngest actor to win the Oscar for Best Actor -- he had actually been struggling to make a name for himself since he appeared in Steven Soderberghs 1993 movie King of the Hill. He went on to receive praise for his turns in The Thin Red Line and Summer of Sam, but wasnt widely noticed until the success of The Pianist.

Since his Oscar success, however, Brodys movies -- with the exception of M. Night Shyamalans The Village -- have tended to underperform at the box office. His 2005 psychological thriller The Jacket made only $15million at the worldwide box office, barely half of its $28million budget. Even the blockbuster King Kong failed to live up to expectations. In fact, his only success since The Pianist came from Esquire Magazine, who voted him Best Dressed Man in America 2004.

All this may be set to change, though, with the release of Hollywoodland, Brodys crime drama/biopic of Louis Simo, the detective investigating the suspicious death of TVs Superman, George Reeves, in 1959. Including Brody himself, the movie boasts two Oscar winners and two nominees -- Ben Affleck, Bob Hoskins and Diane Lane. Such star power, combined with reports that Hollywoodland was described before production began as one of the best scripts unproduced, will have Brody hoping to return to our good graces and box office success. Will it work? Well, well have to wait and see.

James Shenton is an oft-published entertainment writer and celebrity gossip columnist from New York. Allix Blog37209
Cally Blog39383

Golfing in Naples

Naples is an upscale, sophisticated community on Floridas west coast. Early settlers to the area described the bay as surpassing the bay in Naples, Italy. The name stuck, and the Naples of Florida was born. There are activities for any taste Naples features seven miles of white sand beaches that border the turquoise-blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico, while inside the city proper youll find boutiques, restaurants, and art galleries that rival those of Beverly Hills. In spite of all this, Naples retains a friendly, laid-back atmosphere that makes it a favorite among vacationers.

As far as activities, there are enough attractions to occupy your time in Naples that you could spend weeks in this little town and never do the same thing twice. If you enjoy golf, youre in luck. Naples is the self-proclaimed golf capital of the world, and features more holes per-capita than any other place on the globe (or so they claim and pay no attention to the double entendre). If shopping is more your thing, then youll love the downtown area, which offers a multitude of shopping and dining possibilities, as well as a string of art galleries descriptively called Gallery Row. If history is more your bag, take a look at Olde Town, and in particular, Millionaires Row, which features some amazing old mansions from the Victorian Area. With all of these fantastic attractions, you might be wondering why I will recommend that if you can only do one thing in Naples, you do something entirely different. You should attend the Swamp Buggy Races.

Now, hear me out. This is no ordinary boring NASCAR-style race around a track (note to NASCAR fans: I know that NASCAR is not really boring). This is a spectacle thats about stepping back in time to the years when ridiculous looking vehicles with balloon tires were the only vehicles that could ply through the swampy land around Naples. This tradition of goofy oversized vehicles lives on in the Swamp Buggy Races, which are held a few times each year. Most of the track is covered in at least 18 inches of water, and there are a few 3 foot deep holes to keep things interesting. There are many classes of vehicles, from the tiny to the gargantuan, and good times are always had by all.

When headed to Naples for the Swamp Buggy Races (or for any other reason, really), be sure to consider Mirage Limo as your means of transportation. Theres no way to head to a swamp buggy race than in a limousine or other luxury vehicle (just dont take it onto the track). Once you go to Naples, youll never want to leave.

Nick Jurkowski is a senior editor for The essays above can be found on his night life blog, The Urban Adventure Blog, which is updated daily.Alis Blog96050
Celia Blog44648

Student Loan Debt Consolidation - How To Reduce The Burden Of Student Loan Debt

Its not enough as a student earning good grades, graduating, and landing a job with a good salary. What makes it more difficult is the rising costs of education, in tuition fees, books and the cost of living during the years being in school. There is no question that the trends of college and university prices have rose steadily over that last decade. During the 2004-2005 academic year about $129 billion in financial aid was distributed to undergraduate and graduate students. In addition, these students borrowed almost $14 Billion dollars from non-federal sources to help finance their education according to the report Trends in Student Aid (2005) from the College Board association. With an adjustment to inflation the total financial aid given to undergraduate and graduate students has increased by almost 100% from 1994 to 2005.

Why have students been borrowing much more today?

There has been a widening gap between the cost of university and college tuition and aid in the form of grants causing students to borrow more. Many students look at taking students loans as a good investment because it allows them to complete their education with better odds of a getting a better job and life. Because Students are borrowing more and often taking out multiple student loans today, however, it could lead to financial burdens. This would delay things like buying a new home, car, getting married, and raising a family.

How can student loan consolidation help?

Also known as a federal consolidation loan, repays some or all of the outstanding eligible federal student loans and replaces the multiple payments that are made with one single payment. The payment terms can even be extended to make the payments more affordable. The interest rates are fixed rate for the entire term and is calculated as the weighted average interest rates of your consolidated loans rounded up to 1/8% not exceeding 8.25%.

Which student loans can be consolidated?

1. Federal and Federal Direct Stafford (subsidized and unsubsidized)
2. Federal and Federal Direct PLUS SLS (Supplementary Loans for Students)
3. Federal Perkins
4. Federal Nursing Student Loans (NSL)
5. Federal Health Education Assistance Loan (HEAL)
6. Federal Health Professional Student Loans (HPSL)
7. Health Professions Student Loans (HPSL) Loans for Disadvantaged Students (LDS)
8. Federal Insured Students Loans (FISL)

If a person has bad credit, can they still consolidate their student loans?

Under the federal student loan consolidation program, no credit checks are necessary, however, if any loans are in default, three consecutive payments must be made prior to consolidating the loans.

What lenders consolidate student loans?

The Internet is an excellent resource to compare student loan consolidation lenders rates and offers. It is just a matter to take some time and compare different incentives between lenders.

Lenders may offer added incentives to consolidate student loans. For example, depending on the balance of the current student loans, some lenders may offer a credit or an interest rate reduction if payments were made consecutively on time. Or, if a married couple has individual student loans and want to combine and consolidate their loans.

It should not be a strike against anyone requiring student loans to get through university or college nor having a delayed hardship when a person graduates and gets back into the work force.

Brad Jacobsen writes about student loan debt consolidation and you can read more articles, tips and helpful information including Free no obligation quotes at: Annabel Blog78679
Auria Blog86779

Why Data Recovery Not Too Late?

As most of us already know, recovering data that is lost or damaged is known as data recovery. Data recovery can save a majority of your data information, in the form of hard drives, zip disks, CDs, DVDs, and other means of storage. Data recovery is very common these days, as it can help you get back on track after your hard drive crash or other means of destruction to your data.

On the professional side of things, there are a lot of companies out there who excel in data recovery. They have technicians who are experts in recovering your data, and spend a majority of their time working on hard drives. Recovering the information from a hard drive can be a very time consuming process, all depending on just how bad the drive has been damaged. If the hard drive is damaged physical or the sectors have been damaged, some of the data that was stored on it may be lost forever.

If you take immediate action and seek a repair service for your hard drive, you just may be able to save everything. In the result of a crash, virus, accidental deletion, or other disaster, you shouldnt waste any time at all. You should always look into a company, preferably local, that can help you with your hard drive. The company will first do an evaluation on the hard drive, then contact you and discuss what options you have available with you.

To safely and efficiently recover your data using software, companies have a few choices they can use. Below, youll find some software examples that companies use to recover lost data on hard drives.

FIRE recovery

FIRE is a bootable program that can immediately take action with data recovery. It can also assist with virus scans, incident response, and forensic analysis. FIRE is a very common program, widely used by data recovery specialists around the world.

LDE recovery

Known as Linux Disc Editor, the LDE method of recovery was originally created for recovering lost files in Linux. It is an older method of software and data recovery, which proved to be very beneficial to those who used Linux.

NT recovery

The software for NT data recovery provides the proper read access for hard drives that are set up with NTFS in the Windows or MS DOS environment. This software is among the most popular for data recovery technicians, allowing them to copy files from NTFS to FAT volumes.

The above examples are all but a few among the software recovery methods. Software recovery can work with most hard drives, if they arent too badly damaged. If the hard drive has been damaged by flood, fire, or other physical damage, it will probably need to be rebuilt. Again, if you dont waste in time seeking a technician, you may be able to get everything fixed. Rebuilding the hard drive will take quite a bit of time, as the technician will have to go through every inch of the drive and replace the parts that have been damaged.

As important as your data is, its always in your best interest to get on the ball and dont let any time be wasted. Time is always of the essence, especially when it comes to recovering all of your data and information. Time will always prove to be the ultimate and deciding factor with your information - which is why you shouldnt let one precious second be wasted whenever something happens to your hard drive.

Kanicen Nichathavan is the owner of Network Computer Training, Network Computer Training welcomes everyone who intends to share knowledge, interesting products, ideas and those who want to start Internet Online Business. You will find all kind of Internet Marketing Tools and resources. For Newbie and Internet Marketers this blog will be the best option for lowest prices of all kind of Internet Marketing Tools at Blog28528
Ardyce Blog22234

Eating Out With Crohns Disease

Just because you have Crohns Disease it does not mean that your life has to end. It is quite likely that you know people with Crohns Disease but youd never know they had it. If you take the proper steps to manage Crohns you can still enjoy going out to eat. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind when you eat out.

It is a good idea to have a plan when you are going to eat out. As many Crohns sufferers can attest, the disease can rear its ugly head at the drop of a dime. Make sure you have all the basics covered or at least as many as possible before you leave the comfort and security of your home.

If you know where you are going out to eat you should probably check the menu online for items that you will be able to eat with little worry. Most restaurants have websites that have either their complete menus or at least a sample of the kind of food on offer. If there is no website or the choices dont offer things you can safely eat, you can always call them.

If you tell the manager about your battle with Crohns, and inform them of your dietary needs, you might be able to commission a custom meal! If there is no way the restaurant can help you out, have something to eat at home before you leave and just have something small and light at the restaurant.

When you get to a restaurant it is a good idea that you find out where the restrooms are located. If you have a sudden flare-up it may be necessary for you to make a quick exit to the bathroom. Once you have located the restrooms and chosen something you know should be able to eat without too much trouble you can relax and enjoy your evening.

Crohns Disease symptoms can be exacerbated by many foods. Become familiar with foods that irritate you and do your best to avoid them. Most appetizers such as buffalo wings, potato skins, and mozzarella sticks may irritate your digestive tract. In addition, avoid alcoholic drinks whenever possible.

Eating out with Crohns Disease does not have to be a dreaded event. For many business people, dinner meetings are a regular event. If you have Crohns you may not always have the choice of where to eat. This is why having a conscious plan to tackle dining out is important. Remember, even if you are in remission and have been for some time, another flare-up may be right around the corner. Erring on the side of caution is the best idea especially if its a restaurant youve not been to before.

Sharon Dobson has an interest in Crohn's Disease. For further information on Crohn's Disease please visit or .Caryn Blog41028
Alfie Blog94013

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